LPR Ministry of Internal Affairs opened "hot line" for residents of Ukraine-controlled territory
The LPR MIA opened a "hot line" for residents of the territories of the Republic temporarily occupied by Kiev. Employees of the department record each crime committed by the punishers of the Armed Forces.
The LPR Minister of Internal Affairs, Igor Kornet, announced this in the course of the press conference.
‘Watching what is happening in Ukraine, we can say with certainty that this state is striving from degradation to the complete disintegration and disintegration,’ noted the Major-General.
A striking example of this, according to him, is the trials of the volunteer battalion soldiers, in particular, the Tornado unit.
According to: Русская Весна'They demonstrate the selectivity of the judicial process in Ukraine. Here, criminals take their verdict with a smile on their faces, realizing that they will not receive the punishment they deserve. Under the Ukrainian authorities, criminals will not only be punished, but may even be placed at the helm of this so-called «state». Therefore, all crimes committed against citizens of the Lugansk People's Republic and territories temporarily occupied by the Ukrainian punishers, are recorded by the Ministry of Internal Affairs specialists. The LPR General Prosecutor's Office has initiated a general criminal case. Here, all the materials are collected. We conduct operative-search activities and establish personalities. Information on wanted criminals, whose identities have already been established, can be found on the website of the LPR Ministry of Interior. I want to say with confidence that each criminal will be punished,’ Cornet said.
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