

Pro-Russian sentiments remain in Ukraine, despite propaganda and repressions

02:08, 19.03.2017

Even in the current situation, 15-20% of Ukrainians openly declare that they are in favor of an alliance with Russia and recognize the referendum in the Crimea. This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by the Ilk Kucheriv Fund «Democratic Initiatives» and the sociological service of the Razumkov Center. 

‘... There still remains a fairly large group of people who continue to believe in the Customs Union, who even believe that the Crimea should be separated from Ukraine,’ the research director of the fund, Alexey Garan, comments on the survey results. 

According to them, 15% of Ukrainian citizens believe that it is possible to make any compromises with Russia, agree to its terms with respect to the Crimea and Donbass. 

’15% is almost every sixth citizen,’ said Garan. 

20% of respondents believe that the Crimea should not return to Ukraine.

According to: Политнавигатор