

Trump: Intelligence has no evidence of cyber attacks’ impact on election results

22:08, 07.01.2017Politics

The US President-elect declined to answer the question of whether the special services had managed to convince him that Russia had been involved in hacking attacks on the United States.

The US intelligence has made it clear that they have no facts proving the impact of hacker attacks on the US Democratic party server on the outcome of the presidential election. It was written in his "Twitter" by the US President-elect, Donald Trump, as a comment on the results of the special briefing, during which the intelligence community was discussing the consequences of cyber attacks.

‘The intelligence has made it clear that there is no evidence of hackers having influenced the election results. The voting machines were not affected,’said Trump in his statement.

Previously, he expressed the view that the information from the servers of the US National Committee of the Democratic Party could have been stolen due to its employees’ careless attitude towards the security. In addition, Trump declined to answer the question of whether the special services had managed to convince him that Russia had been involved in hacking attacks on the United States.

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