

UPA documents calling to kill women and children found in Poland

07:13, 29.07.2016
Instructions of the Ukrainian Rebel Army (OUN-UPA) with calls to kill, if necessary, Polish women and children were presented by the Department of National Remembrance Institute (NRI) in Lublin, Poland. According to the local media, the documents were stored in a tube found in March, during excavation works at the trees clearing in Khokhlov (the Lublinsky voivodship). A man who had found the tube handed it to the police, and law enforcement officers passed it to the Institute of National Remembrance. ‘Everything points to the fact that the documents belonged to the Ukrainian Rebel Army, ‘ said the NRI representative Dariusz Antoniak. Among the discovered documents, there are promotional materials, including those speaking of need ‘to protect the local Ukrainian population from Polish bandits’. In addition, among the papers there is a piece of a leaflet which called for the Ukrainians of kill their Polish husbands or wives. It is reported that among the documents there are also personal letters, instructions and appeals. The NRI investigators plan to find out how the tube turned out to be buries in the Khokhlov, by seeking out people related to the found documents, their relatives or friends. Source