

Verkhovnaya Rada decided to support the Russian language

00:31, 25.09.2016Society

The MPs of Ukraine, the lawyers and European MPs adopted a resolution on the preservation of the Russian language in Ukraine, said the European MP Laurentiu Rebega on the results of the latest forum in Kiev.

It is reported that the forum was devoted to the preservation of bilingualism in Ukraine, as well as the issue of the protection of national minorities. In addition to the Ukrainian MPs, the forum was attended by European MPs and experts in the field and right.

The final Resolution states that Ukraine is a bilingual country.

In this regard, Laurentiu Rebega called to develop, as soon as possible, appropriate laws for the protection of the Russian language.

The MP emphasized that the Russian language should have a special legal status that would protect it from the radical manifestations.

Alexander Kirsch, a MP from the «People's Front», agreed and noted that it was the wrongly adopted law on languages ​​that had led to an escalation of the confrontation with Donbass and the Crimea, traditionally Russian-speaking regions.

As a positive example, the participants of the meeting mentioned Canada, where two languages, English and French, have the constitutional status.

According to: Экономика Сегодня