

Soros Foundation portal hacked

21:05, 15.08.2016
GMS.NET, CTE. has been in development by Fyrex Ltd. Microsoft SQL, ASP.net, and here's the result. On Ukraine, there is, in fact, everything: the accounting, the promotion of Maidan in the Western media, strategic planning. I will translate hot documents later. Now there is no time, but I urge everyone to study the material. Database: http://soros.dcleaks.com/view?div=europe On Ukraine, there are transcripts of meetings of the Renaissance Foundation activists with Ambassador Payet, and others. There is a draft of the Soros plan how to beat Putin, there is an indication of the fact that General Wesley Clark, together with a Polish general and experts from the Atlantic Council advised Poroshenko how to get around the Minsk Agreements in the military sphere. In addition, the Israelites write that there were found huge donations to anti-Israel organizations. There is a full list of NGOs manipulated by Soros, in the elections of all states - EU members. Soros, with the active participation of the US State Department, the CIA and US elites, provokes various conflicts all around the world. Soros' activities in the Middle East coincides with the fueling of the armed conflict in Ukraine and the migration crisis in Europe. Under the guise of "human rights", Soros and his company of neoconservatives reshape the boundaries of the world for the sake of their interests, sparing neither the people nor the entire states, and all Soros' efforts are aimed at inciting global war and migration crisis in Europe, for which he uses his nonprofit non-governmental organizations and foundations as his tools. Source