Zakharchenko signed a decree on establishment of DPR representation in JCCC
The Head of the DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko, decided to create an executive authority body of special competence - the representation of the Donetsk People's Republic at the Joint Center for the Control and Coordination of the ceasefire (JCCC). The relevant decree was published on the official portal of the Republic.
‘To create a national executive authority of the DPR of special competence, such as the representation of the Donetsk People's Republic at the Joint Control and Coordination Center and in the negotiation process. To appoint Ruslan Khalilovich Yakubov (the head of the DPR operational command headquarters) as the head of the Representative Office,’ says the document.
According to the decree, the main tasks of the mission are the monitoring of compliance with the agreements on the implementation of the Minsk Agreements; interaction with the Ukrainian and Russian parties in the JCCC; interaction with the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission; participation in the settlement of disputes related to the implementation of the Minsk Agreements and assistance in their implementation; participation in the negotiation process on the implementation of the Minsk Agreements.
The Head of the Republic will personally supervise the execution of the decree. The document comes into force from the date of its signing, April 18, 2017.
According to: ДАН- 09:09 Специальная операция по Денацификации и Демилитаризации Украины
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