Greetings citizens of the world. We are Fancy Bears'.
The Fancy Bears' Hack Team obtained the International Olympic Committee officials' correspondence. These emails and documents point to the fact that the Europeans and the Anglo-Saxons are fighting for power and cash in the sports world. WADA headquartered in Montreal, Canada supported by the United States Olympic Committee declared the crusade against the IOC on the pretext of defending clean sport. The national anti-doping agencies of the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other countries joined WADA and the USOC under the guidance of iNADO. However, the genuine intentions of the coalition headed by the Anglo-Saxons are much less noble than a war against doping. It is apparent that the Americans and the Canadians are eager to remove the Europeans from the leadership in the Olympic movement and to achieve political dominance of the English-speaking nations. Moreover, they are looking toward depriving Lausanne’s old corrupt officials of access to multimillion funds and bribes that form an integral part of the sports world.
The USOC CEO Scott Blackmun's email sent to the IOC Director General Christophe De Kepper proves this point. The American official on behalf of the organization calls for WADA withdrawal from the IOC jurisdiction, so the Agency would be empowered to test and punish guilty athletes. In other words, WADA is willing to become a super-predator in the sports world and would have the sole authority to decide who is right or who is to blame.
The IOC Athletes' Commission members who are also represented in the WADA Athlete Committee stand for WADA independence from the IOC as well. Moreover, one of the IOC signatories, Tony Estanguet, is a member of the WADA Executive Committee and WADA Foundation Board.
Furthermore, we encourage you to look through the correspondence between the IOC officials and Canadian law professor Richard McLaren who initiated the Russian doping investigation. His stance unveils his real goal to get the trump card for the Anglo-Saxons in the game vs. IOC and not to fight against doping.
At first, Professor McLaren seemed to be delighted to cooperate with the IOC investigators, particularly with the Oswald and Schmid Commissions. Then, however, McLaren began to avoid the collaboration since he published the second part of his report referring to a business or urgent visit to a dentist. As a result, the IOC officials got furious.
According to the IOC Director of Legal Affairs Howard Stupp, Richard McLaren had been given a clear political order to expulse the Russian team from the Games and to discredit the IOC and the whole Olympic movement letting WADA fish in troubled waters.
Special attention should be paid to the McLaren team. The member of the investigation team, Richard Young, is a partner at the Bryan Cave company, Colorado Springs, CO. Mr. Young is in charge of collaboration between Richard McLaren and the IOC Medical and Scientific Director Richard Budgett.
Bryan Cave LLP is an international law firm that became famous for its close cooperation with the FBI. In fact, one of the company’s top employees Hal Goldsmith received the FBI Director's Award.
McLaren report chief investigator Martin Dubbey is also associated with the FBI. Mr. Dubbey serves as the Chief of intelligence for 5 Stones intelligence (5Si) in the UK and Europe. The U.S. Department of Justice has awarded the company as a Prime Contractor for the Asset Forfeiture Investigative Support Services Contract – a 7 year program valued at $625 million providing Specialized Financial Investigative Services to the DEA, FBI, OCDETF, ATF and U.S. Attorneys Offices. In addition, Martin Dubbey is a member of the FBI-Law Enforcement Executive Development Association.
It is notable that the McLaren investigation team includes former employees of the U.S. and British Special Forces. For example, David Tinsley, the Chief Executive Officer for 5Si, is a retired U.S. DEA Supervisory Special Agent with a total of 32 years combined Law Enforcement and Intelligence experience. Bryan Talay, the Chief Operating Officer (North America) for 5Si, served as the U.S. Navy Special Operations officer. Greg Kitsell is a British expert in Maritime/General Aviation Intelligence and Operations, working within the Law Enforcement, Intelligence, Military and Security sectors.
The facts above expose the sport officials’ tension over the fight for power and cash. The Anglo-Saxons feel free to attract private intelligence companies and even the U.S. special agencies. The struggle for clean sport looks like a special operation that involves Richard McLaren as a smoke screen for special agents. This is far from the real fair play spirit the Anglo-Saxons claim to protect.
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.
Anonymous – #OpOlympics