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Horsemen of apocalypse in a single country

Opinions - 29.01.17 03:31

From Русская Весна

When God wants to punish a nation, it sends locusts, drought, war, starvation, pestilence, plague and other misfortunes on it. 

However, it seems that Lord has punished the people of Ukraine much worse, having placed theUkrainian elite on its neck. 

The Ukrainian elite is a universal disaster commensurate, in its consequences, with locusts, drought, war, starvation, pestilence, plague and other disasters combined. 

At its core, the Ukrainian elite is something like the horsemen of the apocalypse in a single country.

Moreover, there is a feeling that the Lord has punished the people of Ukraine with its Ukrainian elite for some very serious sins.

The other day, in Facebook I came across a post of such a mournful Ukrainian elitist (God forgive me) as Borislav Beryoza (Birch). This dull, pompous turkey had sad thoughts. Do you know for what reason? The man is very worried that soon all slaves will run away of the Maidan Ukraine, and there will be no one to loiter for a penny for the «honorable masters». He wrote this quite openly.

‘I'm sitting in a cafe and waiting for some friends, and at the next table a 14-year-old boy is convincingly telling a woman, apparently his mother, that it is necessary to emigrate from Ukraine. 

He speaks about the lack of security, the general low standard of living and a high level of crime, the absence of prospects to find an official, well-paid job for him, and dubious prospects for her to receive, in the future, at least some pension from the state. 

He speaks very calmly and in detail about many negative points of our lives and, at the end, sums up that it is necessary to leave while she still can adapt there and find a job, while he can easily integrate into a new society. Judging by their conversation, my mother is a paramedic and they talk about Poland. 

She listlessly parries his arguments, but it does not affect the mood of the young candidate to immigrants at all. Finally, they eat up their cake and go.’

After that, this hanged man sadly notes: 

‘I understand that this boy has already clearly set the goal for himself.

He will leave. It means that he will not will live and work in Ukraine, pay taxes here to fund the ability to pay pensions and salaries of state employees.

And there is very little time to convince him to change his mind. I would like the senior authorities of the state to think about this problem. 

After all, if this trend persists, soon there will be no one to work not even for some abstract Ukrainian enterprises and firms, but in the areas of business that belong to these very leaders of Ukraine. 

Just no one. Well, except for pensioners. And then what? And yet, people are still going. Not the worst people, but hard-working, creative, talented and educated ones. The future of Ukraine is leaving and leaving it in the past.’

It is funny, is not it? The man took an active part in the destruction of his country, participated in the creation of unbearable living conditions for ordinary citizens, and when he realized that these citizens rushed in a multimillion crowd from the «Ukrainian happiness» abroad, he felt sad. 

After all, for his likes, who have finally got through to a «trough» with lies, violence, blood and murder, a wonderful life is just beginning. 

The whole country has been laid at the feet of the new masters for looting! And then suddenly it turns out that the slaves are fleeing. The most intelligent and talented are fleeing. They are fleeing massively. They do not want to provide a bright future for the Ukrainian new masters. That's a problem !!!

Well, the smart and talented are fleeing. There are only pensioners and GUGH («Glory to Ukraine, glory to heroes!», the slogan of Ukrainian nationalists) patriots left. What to do? Who will feed pensioners? Who will provide for the new masters? GUGH patriots? What are those stupid oligophrenics good at if it is not necessary to pull anything down, but on the contrary, it is necessary to build and create? That's it... 

Incidentally, this is not the first time that Ukrainian serfs are fleeing in crowds from the «Independent», fleeing from their masters like from a plague.

There was once such a «glorious» era called «Ruin», in fact, the «first Independent Ukraine». It is now worshipped by mainstream propaganda as the «Golden Age» of Ukrainians. However, then Ukrainian slaves fled from their «independent» Hetmans by whole villages. Some went en masse under the Russian tsar, the others under the Polish king. All the Right Bank was depopulated for many years!

In 1669, the Nezhin archpriest Simeon Adamovich wrote to the Russian tsar as follows, ‘Your Highness, if you will order to withdraw your military men from Nezhin, Pereyaslavl, Chernigov and Ostra, do not think it will be good. All the people are screaming and crying ... they not want to live under the Cossack rule; raising their hands, they pray to God to keep living that under Your Highnesses’s powers ... 

Smart Cossacks, who remember their kissing the cross, burgers and all the rabble say in the hearing: if you, Your Highness, will withdraw your military men from the Little Russia cities, they will not want to settle, they will want to escape in different directions: one to border cities of your Imperial Majesty, the others across the Dnieper to royal cities.’ 

Equally clearly the people expressed their hatred of suddenly arisen Little Russian «gentry» in 1672.

‘Ordinary people said to the scribe Alekseev as follows, ‘Let His Majesty send us his governors, as we will not have a hetman, as we would rather hang all the elders. It would be better for us, and there would be no ruin and treason from anyone, as having become rich, every elder wants his own rule and betrays, and our heads fall for nothing.’

Can you imagine how much «stupid cottonwool» (an offensive name nationalists call pro-Russian Ukrainian) was in the XVII century, who did not want to live in «Free and Independent Ukraine»? How many there were «traitors» and «separatists»! They would not enjoy the Hetmanate and kiss the asses of their latter-day elitists among Cossack bandits and former Polish lackeys. They fled either to «Muscovites» or to «Lyahy» (Poles in Ukrainian). Does it not sound familiar?

Now, in Russia, there are about five million Ukrainian citizens. FIVE MILLION!!! And about a million of Ukrainian citizens have settled in Poland, with another million on the way. And they will move to the Poles, if there do not start Ukrainian pogroms shortly. Where did all this «movement» come from? 

Because it is already impossible for normal people to live in Ukraine, because ‘we will not have a hetman, as we would rather hang all the elders’.

That's why I call the likes of this either Borislav Beryoza (Birch), or Boruch Blyakher (the original name of the MP) hanged men. New Ukrainian masters have made Ukrainian slaves very nervous, and there are a lot of lampposts along the Victory Avenue in Kiev. 

Those «birches» who are not total wood-heads, are already packing suitcases, because they understand that for them, the best is already behind.

However, the likes of the above-mentioned hanged man, because of their greed and stupidity, still hope for a brighter future, and get frustrated only because of the fleeing slaves.

Like, what the bastards have brought the country to, soon there will be nobody to rob! 

Come to your senses before it’s too late !!! 

What did we stood on Maidan for? 

What was the «Heavenly Hundred» shot for? 

What were people burned alive for? 

What were tens of thousands of people dug into holes in Donbas?

The times when the lampposts will have special social and political importance in Ukraine, are only on the way, and now people are just running. In fact, they did not start to run after the «revolution of dignity» (it only accelerated the flight of Ukrainian citizens from Ukraine), but exactly after the start of the project «Ukraine». This is evidenced by the demographic statistics. It is really terrible even in its approximateness.

In 2010, six years ago, I picked up, out of mere interest, the statistics of migration from Ukraine. It simply «delighted» me. I was «delighted» by the fact that even then Ukraine was at the first place in terms of the flight of its citizens abroad. 

Here's what I wrote then:

‘Not everyone is able to fight. Many just run. Someone runs into a chronic illness, others into the bout, or in drug virtuality, or in a sect, or in hitchhiking, or just out of Ukraine. The people run from the realized «Independent-state» dream of «nationally conscious Ukres» like the devil from holy water. 

It’s funny that first I came across a note that a lemon, supposedly, helps fight depression, and then I learned that Ukraine had ranked fifth in the world among countries with the largest number of emigrants, according to the report «Migration and Remittances» of the World Bank.

It seems that everyone who can seeks to leave Ukraine. By any possible way. According to the WB, there are currently about 6.6 million citizens of Ukraine abroad, who have left the country over the years. 

Actually, the fact that the ratings place Ukraine in fifth place, should please you. But it does only if you do not take into account the percentage of the number of those who left to the number of citizens still remaining. 

The number of inhabitants of Mexico is 112.5 million people. 11.9 million Mexicans emigrated, it is about 10% of the population. 

The number of Indians is 1.2 billion people. 11,4 million Indians emigrated, it is about 0.9% of the population. 

The population of Russia is 142 million people. 11.1 million Russians emigrated, it is approximately 7.8% of the population. 

The number of China's population is 1 billion 265 million 830 thousand people. 8.3 million Chinese emigrated, it is 0.6% of the population.

At this time, the official population of Ukraine is 45,962 million people. 6.6 million Ukrainian citizens emigrated, it is 14% of the population (!). 

It is not difficult to understand that in the world ranking of citizens fleeing from their native country, Ukraine holds the first place.

People are running. Rescuing themselves. However and wherever they can. Over 20 years of independence, the «Independent Mother» has become an enormous zone of alienation, poorly suitable for healthy living. 

At the same time, as a rule, it is the most active and full-fledged part of the citizens who run, because they are able to find their place in a foreign country. 

Perhaps, this place is not always worth running to, but it turns out that even an unworthy place in a foreign country is better for a Ukrainian than a worthy place in the homeland.

Now, imagine what the scale of the flight of Ukrainian citizens from the country of the victorious «Conscious» is now, when there is a civil war, when Ukraine is roamed by armed thugs gang, when the Ukrainian economy is destroyed, when the Ukrainian government is bankrupt, when Ukraine has reached top of the poorest countries in Europe, when Ukrainian corruption has taken the form of an open and total looting. 

But the funniest thing is that now some monsters, gravediggers of Ukraine, sit in Kiev’s cafes and sadly argue that people run from the country they have killed, like from a radioactive zone. 

It does not even occur to these stupid monsters to go to Maidan, kneel and ask for forgiveness from all those people they have killed, whose life and fate they have broken in the process of their Maidan leap to the remains of the state «trough» of Ukraine.

Andrey Vadzhra