

German journalist answered Ukrainian Ambassador in Germany

01:38, 23.08.2016

The ambassador of Ukraine in Germany, Andrey Melnik, in an interview with the German radio Deutschlandfunk raised the favorite theme of all Ukrainian politicians: Donate please to our fight with Russia! This time, the ambassador began to complain of a shortage of artillery detection systems, without which ‘an escalation’ is simply inevitable. As if it wasn't then starting this ‘escalation’.

It wasn’t absolutely clear why ask for arms on Radio. Listeners are unlikely to raise funds and bring weapons to the punishers by secret paths. But the habit prevailed. And the ambassador "bumped" into rudeness.

Commenting on the ambassador’s words, Sabine Adler, a journalist of the Deutschlandfunk, said that ‘if Ukraine has something in excess, it is weapons’. Adler was surprised why Ukraine, the world's largest exporter of weapons, could not manufacture the necessary weapons itself.

At the same time, she "kicked" Poroshenko who covers the corruption and runs business in the country, with which he is allegedly fighting.

In fact, the journalist accused the Ukrainians of laziness and parasitism: ‘Ukraine has not long performed what the country is able to do, it needs to make more effort’.