

In Slavyansk nationalists poured green paint at veterans, attacking former Regional Korolevskaya

02:28, 11.05.2016

In Slavyansk, which is controlled by Ukraine after the withdrawal of troops of Igor Strelkov, nationalists staged a brawl and poured green paint at veterans.

The object of the radicals’ attack was Natalia Korolevskaya, a MP of the Verkhovnaya Rada, who had recently been very active in Slavyansk. In the end, it was veterans who suffered.

The incident occurred during the ceremony dedicated to the Victory Day. When there appeared Korolevskaya, the nationalists began to accuse her of fomenting war in Donbas and tried to chase her away from the event.

At this point, a scuffle ensued between the nationalists and the protection of the Royal. From the crowd at Korolevskaya flew eggs, flour and green paint, of which veterans standing nearby got their share.
