

Poroshenko urged to reform the UN Security Council

23:23, 21.09.2016Politics

At the UN Security Council meeting in New York on the situation in Syria, the President of Ukraine Poroshenko said that there is a need to reform the UN Security Council with regard to the use of the veto.

‘The time has come for the critical need to reform the Security Council. First of all, in regard to the veto. No veto should block the actions of the Security Council when it comes to bloody conflicts. In the light of these offenses, we have to eliminate this obstacle so that the Security Council could work more efficiently,’ he said.

‘We can not allow the Security Council to come to a deadlock on issues of international peace and security, the limit on the use of the veto in taking decisions to prevent conflicts and resolve them should be a priority in the reform of the Security Council, up to the suspension of the veto use in cases of mass atrocities,’ added Poroshenko.