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I am a Kievan. I am defending Donbass

23.05.17 02:35

My name is Alexey Selivanov. I'm a Kievan. Today I am defending Donbass. Before the coup of 2014, I served the state of Ukraine, and always advocated the brotherhood and unity of Ukraine and Russia. The Maidan happened in front of my eyes. I saw that the Maidan «infantry» were teenage Nazis and unwashed homeless brought to Kiev. I saw handfuls of them walking through the government blocks and screaming, ‘Kiev, rise!’. There were very few of them at that moment, from a few dozen to a couple hundred. I saw Ukrainian journalists fanning hatred and enmity in an organized manner, attracting the townsfolk to the Maidan side. I saw today's «MPs» and «members of the government» of Ukraine leaving seminars organized by the embassies of the United States and other countries. I saw scumbags, degenerates and sexual perverts, branded all over, breaking through into power, behind the «activists» and radicals. I saw them shooting the «Heavenly Hundred» and sawing the trees so that it be impossible to see through the bullet holes that Maidan people had been shot from their own side.

Look who rules Ukraine today! Parubiy, the «Speaker of Parliament», is a certified moron and a frank Nazi, the founder of the Social-Nationalist Party, from which all the «Azovs» came out. Pederast Avakov, the «Minister of Internal Affairs» is a convict and internationally wanted. Pedophile Ukolov, the adviser and chief PR man of the «President» Poroshenko. The criminal and drug dealer Kiva, the «adviser to the minister» and «Ministry of Internal Affairs officer»! And these are only a few of these «authorities»! Drug dealers, pederasts, degenerates and absolutely corrupt people today are humiliating the people. Each of them is known for a lot of dirt, madhouse certificates and criminal articles; it is enough to google their names to find the proofs. Can it be the reason why Poroshenko bans social networks today? He wants to decide for you what to read and where to communicate. Will he ban the Internet for the people altogether tomorrow?

Some say that in Ukraine, you can freely criticize the authorities, that in Ukraine, there is freedom of speech. Spit in the face of these liars. The writer Buzina was killed, and the perpetrators are not punished yet. Journalists are killed, and no one cares. Now they have imprisoned Eduard Kovalenko, a public figure from Genichesk, an ordinary man who has never captured or blocked anything, who simply said on the square that he was against the war! Today, to be interrogated or imprisoned, it is enough not even to express, but just to have your own opinion, or to be friends with those who have their own opinion. Ordinary people perish in Ukraine's prisons, and no one raises the voice in their defense!

Today, the «Ukrainian authorities» want to ban the Orthodox Church, turn it into an obedient tool and take away its temples! The Ukrainian state has placed itself beyond morality, beyond history and beyond faith. 

Officers and soldiers of the SBU, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Do not shield yourself with the Oath. You gave it to the people of Ukraine, not to thieves, bribe-takers and criminals. Not to Nazi moron Parubiy who, at the time of Maidan, called to kill you. Today, the «authorities» make you hostage to their crimes, bind you with blood and make you chase, throw into prisons and kill ordinary people who disagree with these «authorities».

Do you think the parubiys are eternal? That everything will continue in Ukraine as it dies now? 

No. Normal people are bound to return return. Even if you drown Ukraine in blood. I gave the Oath of allegiance to the people of Ukraine as well, and I will return for sure. As will many people like me. 

Then, you will have a unique chance to justify yourself. Save your work place and your pension. prove that you defended the people, with documents, proofs and evidence on your hands. That you helped people get away from the persecution of the regime. That you warned people about criminal cases. That you covered for all those who are against the war and against the criminal Ukrainian authorities. That you served the people, and fought against the regime. 

After the war, Jews called those who saved them from Nazi repression, the ‘World Righteous’. Remain in the memory of the people as the righteous, and not criminals!

Alexey Selivanov