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Ukraine declared war on multiplication table and ability to think

Opinions - 14.08.16 02:42

Education is contraindicated for Maidan and post-Maidan countries. In order to participate in "color revolutions" and especially support regimes formed by them, only armies of slaves, utterly unable to think, are needed. Ukraine, where the situation with education and science was already worsening in recent years, decided to play safe and further "cut" the program of education of children in the lower grades. Even the multiplication table is to become a victim of the reforms.

In record time, up to 2 months of methodical work, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine considerably reduced the primary school program for the territories controlled by official Kiev. Young Ukrainians, who will go to school on September 1, 2016, will learn much less than their predecessors. The representatives of the Kiev authorities called the old program ‘overcharging’.

The changes have affected all subjects.

In particular, second-graders will no longer write even simple compositions, and the amount of "speeches" for children is reduced from 40 to 20 words.

Naturally, a composition is a very dangerous thing, indeed. It teaches children to think ... It is much better to repeat what a teacher by a manual sent from Kiev. A child does not need to learn to articulate his thoughts either. His head might start thinking. The Ukrainian-American power does not need it at all.

There will be no more reading tests with a stopwatch. Here, too, you can see a serious plan. For decades, children were forced to read quickly, to develop their speed of working with the material. First, a child quickly learns to read aloud, and then, to himself. If he does not learn it in time, it will launch a chain reaction, as a result of which not only the reading itself will suffer, but all subjects, without exception. Educational statistics shows that among children with normal and good reading speed, 54% are good students. Among those who read slowly, it is only 4%. If a child does not learn to read quickly in the elementary school, then in the secondary school, being completely unable to absorb more complicated material, he is facing a total failure.

However, it seems exactly what the reformers seek.

A separate point emphasized by the Ukrainian officials and experts is the need to abandon the distinguishing of literature characters as good and bad. The maximum that can be measured is their specific actions. In fact, the idea of good and evil is destroyed for children, making their perception fragmentary, and themselves unable to deal with the synthesis, to come to general conclusions. They are deprived of one of the key skills, vital for a human being in the modern world.

The program of math is radically changed. The first thing that strikes you is a ban on the memorization of the multiplication table. It is no secret that the ability to count in your mind is a kind of cerebral gymnastics. Now it will be unavailable for little Ukrainians. After all, they need to think as little as possible, don’t they?

At lessons of informatics, it is proposed to ban to tell children about the principles of work of computer technology and its history. Children will be taught only specific skills. It is enough to be able to go to officially approved sites. The rest will follow.

The theory will be removed from creativity classes. Children no longer need to know what the culture and art is, they do not need to study great sculptors and artists, types and genres of art. No thoughts and reflections! The focus is exclusively on the design and handmade.

A monstrous process is unfolding in front of our eyes. To understand its essence, it is necessary to make a small excursion into the events of 75 years ago.

One of the main ideologists of the Third Reich, Heinrich Himmler, said:

‘For non-German peoples of the East the higher education shall be canceled, four-year schools will suffice for them. These schools will teach them the simple count, say, to five hundred, ability to write their name and necessity to obey the Germans, as well as to be honest and conscientious guys. To teach them to read is not necessary’.

The head of the NSDAP Chancellery, Martin Bormann deciphered the will of Adolf Hitler for the future of the Slavic peoples as follows:

‘Slavs must work for us. When we no longer need them, they can die. Therefore, compulsory vaccination and German healthcare are not required. The high fertility of the Slavs is undesirable. They can use condoms or abortion, and the more, the better. Education is dangerous. It is enough if they are able to count to a hundred. Education is permissible only to the extent that it will provide us with useful performers. (...) They will receive food only necessary to sustain life. We are their masters, and they will give us the way’.

According to the reforms in education, Ukraine, like the other post-post-Maidan countries, is planned to be turned into one big ghetto. People assigned to the role of laborers, prostitutes and cannon fodder against Russia, do not need education. They will be led by "managers" specially sent from abroad (this process, by the way, already started long ago). And the more generations of people, educated in Soviet school, go away from the life, the fewer opportunities new generations will have to, at least once, gain freedom and become a people who understands what good and evil are.

Ukraine is getting closer and closer to the point of no return.
