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US journalists have not found Russian army in Donbass

Opinions - 10.07.16 22:15

«Desire to break free from Ukraine keeps devastated Donetsk fighting», so named Nick Shifrin his report from the breakaway republic. The report was published by the Pulitzer Center of crisis reporting, one of the most respected American independent media. The film came out on July 5, in the news release of PBS channel.

The reporter interviews soldiers at the shooting range during the shelling and civilians affected by bombardments. Bullets are literally whistling over his head.

‘Every day at least one militiaman is killed. Here, the trench warfare is running on the same rules as a hundred years ago. Here, on this site, there are to be thousands of Russian soldiers, those very soldiers the officials from the State Department keep talking about. But they are invisible. They are not here,’ says Nick Shifrin.

‘Can you imagine your territory returning to Ukraine?, he is asking all his interviewees and all of them say in one voice that Ukraine is alien to them, that they want their territory to become part of Russia, that they perceive their struggle as a continuation of the heroic fight of their ancestors against Nazi Germany.

‘The militiamen have enough strength only for defense, that’s why this military conflict can last indefinitely in such a frozen state,’ concludes the journalist.